General Donations
The Reading Hindu Centre is a registered UK Charity registered with the Charities Commission (Reg No. 1115850). All donations can be Tax-Deductible. Your donations help pay for monthly operating expenses of the temple that include food supplies, mortgage, utilities (electricity, internet, phone, water, gas and waste disposal etc.), insurance, taxes and salaries/ benefits for priests. Thanks for supporting your temple.
If you are a UK taxpayer then please remember to sign the gift aid section. Even the smallest donations will be greatly appreciated and we are most grateful for your donation, however, please do ask for a receipt for any donation that you make or place your donation into the donation box.
Donation Board
At the request of the Donee, all one-off or accumulated donations of £500 and over can be put on the Donation Board which is located on the wall by the Temple entrance.
You can donate in the following ways:
One-off or regular payments by debit or credit card. Please use the form and Paypal link below or drop them off in person.
Paypal (Accepts All Major Bank Card Providers)
Donations in person.
Other ways To Donate To The Temple
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support The Reading Hindu Temple every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection, and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to The Reading Hindu Temple. When you join at be sure to select “The Reading Hindu Centre" as your charity. Shop on AmazonSmile at, and Amazon donates to The Reading Hindu Centre, at no cost to you.
The Reading Hindu Centre is registered with Benevity. Employees need to check if their employer is participating in this programme. They need to select the Reading Hindu Centre as their charity of choice and donate either directly or via payroll. Receive donations electronically Benevity sends 90% of all donations electronically, improving the accuracy and reliability of payments, meaning no more lost checks and less time spent processing funds. Real-time corporate matching is done automatically, so employees don’t have to submit a separate request and you get all the funds at the same time.

Sign Up Your Company Now
If you prefer to pay directly via your bank, please use the details below and submit a Gift Aid Declaration which can be accessed here.
Direct Bank Transfer Details:
Reading Hindu Centre
Sort Code: 30-91-31
Account Number: 04076038